Beat the Summer Slump with Boxing: Stay Active and Have Fun

Beat the Summer Slump with Boxing: Stay Active and Have Fun

Introduction Summer break is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, but it’s also essential to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. With longer days and warmer weather, summer provides the perfect opportunity to explore new and exciting fitness activities. One such activity that has gained popularity in recent years is boxing. Not only is...

Boxing Through the Break: How College Students Can Make the Most of Their Summer

Introduction Summer break is a much-anticipated time for college students, offering a reprieve from the rigors of academic life. However, this extended period away from the classroom can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle, potentially undoing the hard work and progress made during the school year. This is where boxing comes into play, providing a...

Boxing Your Way to a Summer Beach Bod
boxing gym

Boxing Your Way to a Summer Beach Bod

Summer Shred: How Boxing Can Help You Get in Shape for the Beach Season Welcome fitness friends! Is your swimsuit collecting dust in the back of your closet? Are you dreading the thought of rocking a bikini at the beach this summer? We’ve all been there. As the weather warms up, many of us start...

Jab, Hook, Uppercut: How Boxing Teaches Discipline, Coordination and Confidence in Children
Youth Boxing

Jab, Hook, Uppercut: How Boxing Teaches Discipline, Coordination and Confidence in Children

Introduction: The Benefits of Boxing for Kids Boxing may seem like an intense sport, but it can actually be a great activity for children when taught in an age-appropriate and positive environment. Far from just throwing punches, boxing offers kids many benefits that can enhance their physical fitness, coordination, mental sharpness, and even self-confidence. When...

The Art of Mental Warfare: Inside the Mind of a Champion Boxer

The Art of Mental Warfare: Inside the Mind of a Champion Boxer

The Psychology of Boxing The sport of boxing presents unique psychological challenges that competitors must overcome in order to succeed. Unlike many sports, boxing requires athletes to repeatedly subject themselves to violent combat in confined spaces. Boxers need to develop tremendous mental fortitude to thrive in an environment where they are constantly trading blows and...

Knock Out Your Training: The Essential Boxing Tools You Need in Your Corner

Knock Out Your Training: The Essential Boxing Tools You Need in Your Corner

Introduction Boxing is a powerful full-body workout that improves strength, endurance, coordination, and speed. While proper technique is essential, a boxer’s skills are further honed through the specialized training equipment used during workouts. Speed bags, heavy bags, double-end bags, jump ropes, and other accessories each serve a specific purpose in enhancing different boxing abilities. This...

Stand and Deliver: Mastering Boxing Stance and Footwork from the Ground Up

Stand and Deliver: Mastering Boxing Stance and Footwork from the Ground Up

Introduction For both beginner boxers and seasoned pros, proper stance and footwork form the foundation for success in the ring. Mastering the basics allows you to move fluidly, punch effectively, and defend yourself proficiently during a match. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the key fundamentals of proper boxing stance and footwork. Whether your...

The Beginner’s Bible to Amateur Boxing: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Journey at Anointed Hands Boxing

The Beginner’s Bible to Amateur Boxing: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Journey at Anointed Hands Boxing

Welcoming Novices to Anointed Hands Anointed Hands Boxing & Fitness Center prides itself on being a gym that welcomes boxing novices with open arms. We understand that the first time walking into a boxing gym can be incredibly intimidating. You may feel unsure about your abilities or nervous about not having any prior boxing experience....